Reverse Position
When holding a certain amount of long or short positions, clicking "Reverse Position" will prompt the system to automatically close your current position at the best market price and open an equivalent position in the opposite direction at the best market price.
*If the position size exceeds the limit when opening a reverse position, a new position cannot be opened.
SAFEX offers perpetual contracts for trading (both inverse and direct). Inverse contracts are quoted in dollars and settled in the currency of the contract's underlying asset, while direct contracts are quoted and settled in USDT. They have the following characteristics:
Perpetual Contracts:
The value of each inverse contract is 1 USD, while the value of each direct contract depends on the specific currency;
There are no expiry or settlement dates;
Perpetual contracts use a funding cost mechanism to ensure that trading prices are always anchored to the spot market price;
Mark price is used as the fair price to trigger liquidations and calculate unrealized gains and losses.
Last updated