SAFEX C2C Trading Legal Disclaimer
C2C (peer-to-peer) trading refers to direct transactions between two users. Once buyers and sellers match on our SAFEX platform (hereinafter referred to as "the Platform"), both parties are required to verify their identities through real-name authentication.
You alone will bear all risks associated with using the SAFEX C2C trading services, including all information, materials, and other content (including content from third parties) contained in or accessed through these services. SAFEX is only responsible for managing the digital asset transaction process on the platform. Unless required by law, all payments are considered final upon completion. SAFEX has no obligation or responsibility to resolve any disputes or claims that arise after payment completion, nor is SAFEX liable for any losses incurred due to payment completion.
Buyers/sellers may contact you directly to verify your identity or to gather more information to verify transactions and/or payments. Such communications or exchanges of information may occur off the platform. Such exchanges between you and the buyer/seller are not controlled or managed by SAFEX. SAFEX will not be liable for any losses caused or incurred due to such exchanges between you and the buyer/seller.
Third parties, such as verification service providers, escrow agents, payment service providers, custodial institutions, and/or banking partners, may be involved in any SAFEX C2C transaction. You may be subject to the terms and conditions of these third parties. SAFEX is not liable for any losses caused or incurred due to any third party involvement.
In the event of any discrepancies between this agreement or similar communications (if applicable) in English and its foreign language translation, the English version shall prevail.
Effective date: October 19, 2024
Last updated