SAFEX Copy Trading Feature Explanation - Phase 1
How do Copy Traders Copy Trades?
Copy Trading Process: After becoming a copy trader, simply trade as usual, and the platform will automatically pass your trade signals to the copy users.
Copy Trading Indicator: Copy users will automatically open and close positions based on your trade signals, and they will see the “Copying…” indicator in their position list.
Copy Trading Mode: Supports both Cross Margin and Isolated Margin modes, but does not support combined margin.
Profit Sharing Settlement Cycle
Real-time Settlement: After each position is closed, the profit sharing will be settled in real-time. Profit Sharing Amount = Profit Sharing Ratio * Realized P&L of the current position.
Loss Handling: If the copy user has a negative profit or loss, no profit sharing will be distributed.
Settlement Cycle: SAFEX settles profit sharing for copy traders every two weeks.
Profit Sharing Ratio & Adjustments
Default Ratio: The current default profit sharing ratio is 10%, and it is not adjustable for now.
Future Adjustments: In the future, based on the copy trader's level, manual adjustments to the profit sharing ratio will be supported.
Maximum Number of Copy Users
Default Number: The current maximum number of copy users is 100.
Increasing the Number: If you need to increase the maximum number of copy users, please contact SAFEX customer service.
Rules & Restrictions
Copy Trade Amount: Copy traders open positions based on a fixed amount each time. Position value = Fixed Amount * Leverage.
Insufficient Margin: When the copy trader’s margin is insufficient, they cannot automatically add to positions when the lead trader increases their position size.
Avoid Oversetting Copy Amount: It is recommended to set a reasonable copy amount to avoid the risk of liquidation due to large trades.
Margin Mode: Currently supports Isolated Margin and Cross Margin. In Cross Margin mode, floating losses on copied positions could cause liquidation of the contract account.
Leverage: The default leverage for each coin pair followed is the same as the lead trader's leverage (default is 10x if not set, and it will follow the user’s setting after manually adjusted).
Copying Limitations: Currently, only one lead trader can be followed, but in the next version, multiple lead traders will be supported.
Supported Coins for Copy Trading: ETH, BTC, ARB, WLD, ETC, SOL, OP, FIL, ORDI, BNB.
Note: Please set the copy trade amount reasonably to avoid liquidation risks caused by market fluctuations. If you have any questions, please contact SAFEX customer service for further support.
Last updated